Ulf Erlandsen

Født april 1958 i Bergen, Norge

Ulf utfører det meste innen bein-, ledd- og bløtdels-kirurgi og underviser på etterutdanningskurs for veterinærer i kirurgi og akuttmedisin. Gjennom sin mastergrad i smådyrmedisin kan han tilby den mest oppdaterte, europeiske smådyrmedisin innen de fleste fagfelt.
  • Veterinary studies: Freie Universität Berlin 1980-86
  • Building up Tertnes Dyreklinikk: 1986-87
  • General practice: 1986-87
  • Tertnes Dyreklinikk/ small animal practice: 1988-
  • Internal Medicine cat: Norw. Vet.Ass. : March 1990
  • Long Bone surgery/ Lund, Sweden- Piermattei: April 1990
  • Ophtalmology/ Norw. Vet. Ass.: March 1991
  • Radiology clinical rad. Part 1/ Norw. Vet. Ass.: November 1991
  • Radiology thorax dog and cat Part 2/ Norw. Vet. Ass.: October 1992
  • Critical Care/ Norw. Vet. Ass.: March 1993
  • Dermatology/ Norw. Vet. Ass. : April 1994
  • Total hip replacement ESVOT/ Eickemeyer: July 1994
  • Cardiology/ Norw. Vet. Ass.: October 1994
  • Radiology abdomen dog and cat Part 3/ Norw. Vet. Ass.: May 1995
  • Neurosurgery small animals/ Eickemeyer: September 1995
  • Veterinary endoscopic surgery/European surgical institute-Ethicon/ Germany: Sept.. 1995
  • Veterinary endoscopic surgery, arthroscopy and laparoscopy/ Europ. Surg. Inst.- Ethicon 2nd int. Workshop: Oct. 1995
Ulf Erlandsen

European School of Advanced Veterinary Studies: Vet. Internal Medicine:   

March 1996 to April 1998. Total 210 hours + distance learning programme:

  • Internal Medicine I/ ESAVS Utrecht 1996
  • Internal Medicine II/ ESAVS Utrecht 1997
  • Internal Medicine III/ ESAVS Utrecht 1998
  • 8th. Annual Congress of ESVOT: April 1996
  • Arthroscopy wetlab ESVOT/ Münich, Germany: April 1996
  • Ultrasound/ Norw. Vet. Ass.: October 1996
  • Arthroscopy 1. int. Workshop small animal/ Gent- Belgium: January 1997
  • Minimal osteosynthese, course/ Eickemeyer: November 1997
  • Hamburger Fortbildungstage des Hundes/ orthopedic diseases of the dog: October 1998
  • European College of Veterinary Surgery/ annual meeting: July 1999
  • Urology/ Eickemeyer: Nickel and Holt: September 1999
  • European College of Veterinary Surgery/ annual meeting: July 2000
  • Wound treatment horse/ Stashak: April 2000
  • Oncology/ Eickemeyer: Kessler and White: November 2000
  • Total Hip replacement and NCP plating techniques/ Innsbruck, Prof. Brunnberg: December 2001
  • Thorax surgery/ Eickemeyer, Germany: February 2002
  • Neurology I/ ESAVS Bern: October 2005
  • Neurology II/ ESAVS Bern October 2006
  • Neurology III/ ESAVS Bern October 2006

Start up of study for Master of Small Animal Science post graduate at the Freie Universitaet Berlin October 2005 and lasted for a period of 3 years with completing exam November 2009. The courses took place every 2. month with 20 modules during this period in Berlin. This was leading to the postgraduate title: Master of Small Animal Science.

The following topics were a part of this education:

Bone diseases

  1. Diseases of the joints
  2. Hematology, Cytology, Oncology part 1
  3. Hematology, Cytology, Oncology part 2
  4. Gynecology, Neonatalogy, Andrology
  5. Neurology
  6. Urinary tract diseases
  7. Ophtalmology
  8. Dental diseases and Gastroenterology part 1
  9. Gastroenterology part 2
  10. Cardiology
  11. Dermatology
  12. Exotic animals – diseases part 1
  13. Anesthesiology
  14. Diagnostic imaging
  15. Exotic animals – diseases part 2
  16. Respiratory tract
  17. Endocrinology
  18. Infectious diseases
  19. Reptiles – diseases

All lectures held by specialists in each topic with university degree, professors or diplomats.

  • TPLO course Frankfurt/ Germany: June 2006
  • Teaching in post educational courses in orthopedic and soft tissue surgery and critical care medicine for veterinarians in Norway, Sweden and Denmark- 3-4 times a year:
  • 1997-2001: For the Norwegian Veterinary Association
    2002- : for the company Jan F. Andersen
  • Since 1990 regulary visits to Freie Universität Berlin, small animal clinic, participating in clinical work, especially orthopedics by Prof. Leo Brunnberg, head of the department/ small animal clinic.
  • 2008: co-teacher by orthopedic AO-course at the Freie Universität Berlin.
  • Many visits through the years to different congresses, incl. WSAVA, BSAVA, Vorjaarsdagen; DVG ( Deutsche Veterin. med. Gesellschaft/ FKDVG- small animals); NAVSA with f.ex. wetlabs as Pennhip 01/2005 etc.
  • First clinic in Norway with CAT-scan
  • First small animal clinic in Norway with digital X-ray, now also digital Dental X-ray.
  • Performing as 1 out of 2 clinics in Norway laser surgery CO2.
  • Performing laser therapy.
  • Start up of the small animal clinic March 2006: Gården Dyreklinikk
  • Installing water walker and rehab-center in the second clinic: August 2006
  • Cooperating with other universities as Copenhagen, Hannover, Berlin, Bern, Vienna, Zürich, Utrecht, Gent and other larger small animal clinics together.
  • Cooperating with VDIC-GROUP in th US with second opinions for increased professional level.
  • In addition participation of a number of lectures, seminars etc.
  • Surgical training in following:
  • Total hip replacement: cemented and uncemented( kunstig hofte): type Biomedtrix
  • Total hip replacement: type Helica
  • Partial elbow replacement: type CUE=canine unicompartmental elbow type Arthrex
  • Elbow dysplasia surgical correction: PAUL= proximal abducting ulnar osteotomy type Kyon
  • Elbow total replacement: TATE type Biomedtrix
  • Cauda equina/ lumbosacral stenosis: MTV= minimal transilial vertebral blocking
  • 11. – 15. juni 2018: Avansert nevrokirurgikurs (neurosurgery in depth) hos Eickemeyer.
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